Our vision is to enable individuals to have their own cost effective personal on-line secure storage and computing service with the same trust level as the smartcards they carry with them. Ethertrust LeMonolith, is a secure element-based server, with its native TLS1.3 “network” interface.
Ethertrust develops and markets Personal Network HSM
Our vision is to enable individuals to have their own cost effective personal on-line secure storage and computing service with the same trust level as the smartcards they carry with them. Ethertrust Personal Network HSM, is a secure element-based server, with its native TLS “network” interface.
EtherTrust develops and markets Blockchain Crypto Terminal for Ethereum and Bitcoin
BlockChain and its distributed ledger architecture will bring spectacular disruption across all industries. However, security, specifically key protection, remains a crucial challenge, as demonstrated by recent hacks. Leveraging its extensive expertise in cryptography and secure element technologies, Ethertrust addresses the issue by keeping keys off-line at all times throughout a BlockChain transaction. We are looking for candidates to evaluate the early version of our easy to use,
portable Ethertrust Crypto Terminal.
Here is a demonstration video.
If you are interested, please contact us at this link
Ethertrust develops and markets smartcards for Bitcoin and Ethereum crypto currencies
Ethertrust designs smartcards performing signature of crypto currency transactions. Contact us for more information and samples.
Ethertrust develops and markets SSL/TLS/DTLS middleware for Secure Elements (SE).
Its patented technology enables secure communications using SE, for on-line payments, physical access, IoT security, and remote enterprise access, providing greater privacy and security. To assist customers with the use of EtherTrust TLS/DTLS libraries, we offer SE based application development services and SE server management software.
Ethertrust team includes internationally recognized experts. Ethertrust is a key contributor to the IETF.
Ethertrust nominated for The Embedded Trophies
With the support of the “Direction générale des entreprises (DGE) and the French Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty, Embedded France organizes the Embedded Trophies (“les trophées de l’embarqué”). These distinguish and highlight the projects of companies that have developed and implemented one or more embedded systems with a particularly innovative software or hardware part…
Ethertrust Crypto Terminal App for Android
The Crypto Terminal application is available on Google Play. Crypto Terminal allows users to sign blockchain transactions without exposing their credentials to the networks. Private keys are stored on a smart card. The Crypto Terminal acts as a payment terminal, where the user can sign transactions with her PIN.
Ethertrust at the CES 2019
EtherTrust is honored and proud to have been selected by the IEEE CCNC 2019 conference for the demonstration of a Crypto Terminal Based On Secure Element For Consumer Trusted Blockchain Transactions, at the IEEE booth Tech East LVCC South Halls 3-4 #31506, for the CES 2019 show in Las Vegas. EtherTrust demonstrated a bare metal crypto terminal, including an EAL5+ removable smartcard. All cryptographic operations for blockchain transactions are controlled by the secure element
Ethertrust is a partner of the FUI20 PODIUM Project
EtherTrust is a partner of the FUI20 PODIUM (platform for trusted processing and storage in the mobile cloud) project, including Thales, EtherTrust, UPMC-LIP6, ANEO, LUCEOR, IGO, SDIS 13
FUI R&D projects are funded by the French government and competitiveness clusters…more