Robert de Monts

Robert is the Adivisor of the company
As Advisor to Ethertrust Robert brings over 25 years of US based experience in general management including 15 years in IT security, four successful fund raising campaigns, and two exits.
Robert is based in Silicon Valley.
He currently advises IT security and enterprise software startups with their gotomarket, fundraising and M&A strategies. Recently he led Marvin Mobile Security and Aruvio (Cloud based GRC) to their acquisition respectively by Veracode and Virima Technologies.
Prior Marvin, he co-founded Cyphort (Advanced Persistent Threat prevention) and as CEO raised its first round of investment from a top tier Silicon Valley VC firm. He also advised several companies in the identity federation, mobile payment, biometric and two factor authentication markets.
He was also VP Worldwide Technical Services at Check Point, responsible for a $55M service business.
Prior positions include VP Marketing and Business Development with Imera, a secure enterprise collaboration vendor and CEO for Solsoft (policy management for network security).
He holds a MS degree in Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and is a graduate of Ecole Centrale de Paris, France