Yvon Leroy

Yvon is the CEO of the company
Yvon Leroy is a serial entrepreneur. He was former co-founder and CEO of the QOSMOS Company
Yvon Leroy is a serial entrepreneur. He was former co-founder and CEO of the QOSMOS Company
Pascal Urien

Pascal is our Secure Element Guru: he’s the inventor of our technologies.
He is full professor at Telecom ParisTech. He graduated from Ecole Centrale de Lyon, and received a PHD in computer science. He worked in CNET de Lannion, Thomson LCR (Laboratoire Central de Recherches), CGCT (Compagnie Generale des Constructions Telephoniques), MET (Matra Ericsson Telecommunication), BULL SA, BULL CP8, SCHLUMBERGER, SCHLUMBERGER-SEMA.Read More
He is full professor at Telecom ParisTech. He graduated from Ecole Centrale de Lyon, and received a PHD in computer science. He worked in CNET de Lannion, Thomson LCR (Laboratoire Central de Recherches), CGCT (Compagnie Generale des Constructions Telephoniques), MET (Matra Ericsson Telecommunication), BULL SA, BULL CP8, SCHLUMBERGER, SCHLUMBERGER-SEMA.Read More
Guy Pujolle

Guy is the VP Strategy of the company
Guy Pujolle received the Ph.D. and “These d’Etat” degrees in Computer Science from the University of Paris IX and Paris XI on 1975 and 1978 respectively. He is currently a Professor at the Pierre et Marie Curie University (Paris 6) and a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Orange/France Telecom. He spent the period 1994-2000 as Professor and Head of the computer science department of Versailles University. Read More
Guy Pujolle received the Ph.D. and “These d’Etat” degrees in Computer Science from the University of Paris IX and Paris XI on 1975 and 1978 respectively. He is currently a Professor at the Pierre et Marie Curie University (Paris 6) and a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Orange/France Telecom. He spent the period 1994-2000 as Professor and Head of the computer science department of Versailles University. Read More
Robert de Monts

Robert is the Advisor of the company
As Advisor to Ethertrust Robert brings over 25 years of US based experience in general management including 15 years in IT security, four successful fund raising campaigns, and two exits.
Robert is based in Silicon Valley.
He currently advises IT security and enterprise software startups with their gotomarket, fundraising and M&A strategies. Recently he led Marvin Mobile Security and Aruvio (Cloud based GRC) to their acquisition respectively by Veracode and Virima Technologies. Read More
As Advisor to Ethertrust Robert brings over 25 years of US based experience in general management including 15 years in IT security, four successful fund raising campaigns, and two exits.
Robert is based in Silicon Valley.
He currently advises IT security and enterprise software startups with their gotomarket, fundraising and M&A strategies. Recently he led Marvin Mobile Security and Aruvio (Cloud based GRC) to their acquisition respectively by Veracode and Virima Technologies. Read More
Simon Elrharbi

Simon is the technical expert of the company
He received a PhD in microelectronics and he worked from 1990 to 1998 as searcher and technical consultant in both microelectronics industry and academic research. Read More
He received a PhD in microelectronics and he worked from 1990 to 1998 as searcher and technical consultant in both microelectronics industry and academic research. Read More