Pascal Urien

Pascal is our smart card Guru: he’s the inventor of our technologies.
He is full professor at Telecom ParisTech.
He graduated from Ecole Centrale de Lyon, and received a PHD in computer science. He worked in CNET de Lannion, Thomson LCR (Laboratoire Central de Recherches), CGCT (Compagnie Generale des Constructions Telephoniques), MET (Matra Ericsson Telecomunication), BULL SA, BULL CP8, SCHLUMBERGER, SCHLUMBERGER-SEMA. He taught in CNAM (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers), University of Marne la Vallee, and was half-time professor in the University of Paris Dauphine.
His main research interests include security and secure elements (smart cards), especially for wireless networks and distributed cloud computing architectures.
He holds 15 patents and wrote about one hundred publications in these domains.
He is the father of the internet smart card technology, which won two industrial awards, Best Technological Innovation at cartes’2000 (Paris) and Most Innovative Product of Year at the Advanced Card Award 2001 (London).
He invented the EAP smart card, that won two industrial awards, Best Technological Innovation at cartes’2003 (Paris), and Breakthrough Innovation Award at CardTech/SecureTech 2004 (Washington DC).
In 2006 he won a bronze award at the SecureTheWeb Developer Contest, organized by Gemalto and Microsoft.
In June 2007 Pascal was one of the winners of French 9th national contest, for the support of innovative start-ups (“9ieme concours national d’aide à la création d’entreprises de technologies innovantes”).
He founded the EtherTrust Company in 2007.
In June 2009 Pascal was one of the winners of French 11th national contest, for the support of innovative start-ups (“11ieme concours national d’aide à la création d’entreprises de technologies innovantes”).
Pascal collaborated in several industrial committees like the IETF, the JavaCard Forum (JCF), and the WLAN smartcard consortium.
He participated in various French (ANR) and European (IST) research projects, such as MMQoS, EPIS, RESODO, INSPIRED, T2TIT, ESTER, On Demand (FEDER), SecFuNet (FP7).